Maha Rose, Oaxaca & Brooklyn

After dropping in on some meditations and taking my Reiki 1 and 2 courses at Maha Rose NYC, in their original space in Greenpoint back in 2015, I had the pleasure of making it down to their retreat center, El Triangulo in Southern Oaxaca, near Mazunte. It was a little NYC away from home at Maha Rose South, with our teacher, the studio owner, and several of the other students also making their way down from New York for the Reiki Masters course. My best memories are of making red flower crowns, meditating and treating each other each day, swimming in the wild ocean, and buying fish tacos, bliss balls, and all manner of other tasty treats from the roving food sellers on the beach.

Reiki— is a Japanese practice that taps into your body's natural ability to heal itself, when guided by the light touch of a Reiki master who has had Reiki passed down to them through the original lineage, back to the first teacher in Japan. I continue to try to incorporate reiki energy into my everyday life as well as to treat and teach clients and I’m hoping to make it back down to Mexico soon!


Take Care Artists Residency


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