We do not know it all, but we do stay curious and continue to learn from experience.

Although we have gained some valuable knowledge throughout our careers, we will never tell you what stocks to pick or diagnose your specific condition, because we are neither financial advisors nor certified head shrinkers. What we will be is your thought partner, we’ll dream together, brainstorm, problematize, and work in partnership to set goals, make budgets, and plans, and create long-lasting shifts in your mentality.

Portrait of afro businessman while working in a creative office meeting room


Financial Therapy

1:1 Sessions for Individuals

Online or In Person

  • A personalized consultation focusing on each individual’s needs.

  • We will delve into your family history and your work history so that I can better understand what motivates you and why.

  • As a part of the full financial history, I will gain a deeper understanding of what money means to you.

  • Here we will get down to the nitty-gritty, going over all of the details of your current income and expenses and your assets and liabilities.

  • This is the fun part, what would you be doing if money, fear, or guilt wasn’t a hindrance, the sky is the limit, here is where we dream together.

  • In our ongoing work together we will tackle anything and everything from how to negotiate with an employer, partner, or business partner, raising your rates, knowing your worth, as well as how to have conversations that center around financial giving.

1:2 Sessions for Couples

Online or In Person depending upon group size

  • A personalized consultation focusing on the needs of all parties individually and on what is needed for the group as a whole unit.

  • Depending on the size of the group this will generally involve 1:1 consults with each key group member as well as full group conversations, to create a safe space as a starting point for future financial growth and cohesion.

  • Here we will get down to the nitty-gritty, going over all of the details of your current, past, and projected income and expenses and all of your assets and liabilities.

  • Throughout the individual and full group sessions, we will hone in on points of friction and points of agreement to reach a greater understanding for all group members of what changes are needed to establish or restore productive harmony for the group.

  • This is the fun part, what would you be doing if money, interpersonal conflict, fear, or guilt wasn’t a hindrance, the sky is the limit, here is where we dream together.

  • This is the meat of our ongoing work together, by playing out the relevant scenarios currently impacting the business or family we can make real progress toward achieving your goals and visions.

Group Sessions for Families & Colleauges

Online or In Person

  • A personalized consultation focusing on both partners’ needs.

  • We will delve into both of your family histories and both of your work histories, paying special attention to how you each feel about each other’s backgrounds. This stage will allow me to better understand what motivates each of you individually and both of you as a couple and why.

  • As a part of the full financial history, I will gain a deeper understanding of what money means to each of you.

  • Here we will get down to the nitty-gritty, going over all of the details of your current income and expenses and your assets and liabilities.

  • This is the fun part, what would you be doing if money, interpersonal conflict, fear, or guilt wasn’t a hindrance, the sky is the limit, here is where we dream together.

  • In our ongoing work together we will look at the ways that differing experiences of and views about money may have caused conflicts in your relationship or stunted your financial growth. Then we will develop strategies for overcoming these barriers together.


Reiki x Hypnotherapy

1:1 Sessions for Individuals

Online or In Person

  • A personalized consultation focusing on each individual’s needs.

  • We will focus on what you seek to shift, working together to create a new script to refocus your self-belief towards a more liberatory framework..

  • Allowing the energy to flow inward and former stagnation to flow outward we will open up the pathways for change.

  • This is where we tap into your past lineages and your future vision for your life making the goals more real and easier to grasp by experiencing them temporarily within a slightly altered state similar to that achieved through focused breathwork or meditation.

  • With all holistic and spiritual work, boundary work is hugely beneficial. You will take the time to journal and reflect on your experience before rushing back to the business of everyday life.


The road to wellbeing starts with a single step. Reach out to us and start your journey today.