We are Art of Repair. Straightforward, honest, financial therapy and holistic product and service providors.



This is whole person-centered work, not a boot camp with a sergeant standing behind you and shouting every time you make even a small error. We expect errors and we want to be your cheerleaders, helping you to regather your strength and slowly get back up, each time you fall.

We Believe in You

We know how hard it is to be underestimated, put down, and overlooked. Some of the most talented and capable people struggle with confidence because others do not see or honor their potential. Not us, if we decide to work with you, it is because we see your potential and we are committed to helping you thrive.


Because of your deep faith in our clients’ potential, we will never bs you. If we see a mindset obstacle to your success we will identify it honestly and work with you to strike it down. Equally, we will never hold you back, because we are proud of you when you get to the stage where you no longer need us.

Mutual Respect

Believing in the possibility of change is a necessary precursor to change and we trust that when you start your work with us, it is because you are ready to let go of limiting beliefs and release old destructive patterns. We can best serve you when you are ready and willing to do the work.


We believe balance, financial literacy, and a positive relationship with money are available to everyone. Our clients have this to say about our work together.

Financial Therapy Testimonials

Until I met with Robyn, I had never acknowledged that emotions lead to my spending habits. She not only stepped me through an approachable overview of my spending but allowed me to see the psychology behind how I spent that was deeply rooted in childhood.

Since meeting with her I have felt more in control of my approach to money. Robyn is patient, nonjudgmental, and motivating.

Most importantly she is an authentic person who is easy to relate to, taking the intimidation out of the word ‘finance’ and replacing it with empathy.

Hanah Monson, Melbourne, Australia

I cannot stress how amazing this experience with Robyn has been for me and my family! DON’T WALK, RUN toward this opportunity to really dive deep into understanding and better managing your finances. Robyn’s approach is caring and intuitive, and she creates a personal plan catered to your individual needs.

Before working with Robyn, I did not realize how apprehensive I was about money, which she helped me discover is a feeling that dates back generations in my family. This has been an incredibly hard time for my family as we face unpredictable health challenges and working with Robyn has added the most amazing sense of security to our lives right now.

Thank you Robyn for this amazing service you are providing! And if you’re reading this, I know Robyn will give you the tools you need to be smarter and savvier about your money.

Olivia Cueva, Berkeley, CA

Before my financial coaching sessions with Robyn, I was uncomfortable and intimidated by conversations around money. After working with Robyn, I am not only confident and comfortable talking about money, but I also feel excited and empowered to lead the conversation. Robyn helped me earn more money, stay out of debt, align my salary goals with my personal goals, and build a realistic budget for my lifestyle. Moreover, she has destigmatized sensitive financial topics and given me a sense of autonomy and empowerment.  I met with Robyn in my mid-twenties and my sessions with her were formative experiences that have given me a remarkable foundation from which to grow into adulthood. 

Working with Robyn as a financial coach was a truly transformative experience. Robyn works holistically and speaks to the whole person about all aspects of their life in relation to finances. She handles numbers or emotions with equal grace and expertise and her ability to advise is unmatched. She can be gentle and patient but also innately knows when and how to deliver smart, rational (and sometimes tough) truths about any situation. Above all, Robyn is trustworthy. Her sense of discretion and care lets you know that you are always in good hands.

Robyn is highly perceptive and analytical and these skills allow her to work very efficiently. I could describe to her six different problems and she could distill them in a way that left me feeling peaceful, focused, and on the road towards a clear solution. Robyn has given me so many tools to become financially independent and the confidence to trust myself with money and decision-making around it.

Robyn’s incredible empathic range and unique portfolio of life experiences make her qualified to work with individuals at every stage of their financial journey. Robyn is pragmatic, creative, and precise. While she is expertly equipped to think strategically and look at big-picture issues, she is equally able to zero in on the minutia and give feedback on details.

Robyn is a wonderful listener, advisor, guide, coach, financial therapist, and so much more. She has the life experience and the wisdom to make a big difference in the lives of anyone lucky enough to encounter her

Shelley C, Brooklyn, NY

Smart as hell and deeply intuitive, Robyn is like no other in guiding you on what can be a deeply personal and even vulnerable process toward financial health.  Uniquely positioned to hold the sometimes nonlinear and emergent process of life planning with the real needs of a timeline and actionable goals, Robyn takes utmost care in guiding you towards your milestones that go way beyond our bank accounts into a wider abundance of how we want to live.

Dhira Rauch, Brooklyn, NY

Robyn’s unique blend of energy work and financial therapy is transformative. Her intuitive approach and deep understanding creates a safe space for healing and growth. Through working with her, I’ve gained clarity and balance in my relationship to finances and my personal energy.

John Anderson, Melbourne, Australia

It sounds like I’m being a sensationalist when I say my sessions with Robyn (so far) have changed my life. So in order to ground my testimonial, I will say that Robyn has helped me remember who I am. By being a mirror, a sounding board, and a voice of reason who sees, respects, and honours my excellence.

Her matter of fact, sensible, progress-focused approach means I’m leaving every session feeling redirected. Perhaps realigned is a better phrase. It’s still early days, but I can feel real improvements in my mindset, attitude, and money!!!!

Lilian Ahenkan (FlexMami) , Melbourne, Australia

Working with Robyn at the Art of Repair has been a life-changing experience. Her approach to financial therapy has not only helped me achieve significant financial improvements but has also led to profound mental shifts in how I view and manage money.

Robyn combines emotional intelligence with financial expertise, offering personalized and empathetic guidance that truly resonates. I've gained invaluable insights and confidence under her mentorship. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking to transform their financial well-being. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm grateful for the positive changes it has brought to my life.

Kyla Bolden, Toronto, Canada

Hypnotherapy x Reiki Testimonials

Intuition, calmness, and empathy are keywords that come to mind when I think of Robyn’s Hypnotherapy. It brought me so much, I could literally feel my brain getting reprogrammed. I’m very happy that I did it, and very grateful for the experience.

Aybala Carlak, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

I left the consultation with Robyn feeling very calm and at peace with some of the lingering hurdles I was facing before our session. We were able to revisit some deeply stored memories and underlying emotions that came along with them and transform them into a deeper understanding. It helped me dissolve some blocks, created space, and left me with a feeling of lightness. So grateful for meeting Robyn and having had this experience!

Isabelle De Baerdemaeker, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


The road to wellbeing and financial freedom starts with a single step. Reach out to us and start your journey today.