What is my Money Mantra?

The way we view money often rules our experiences with it. If we have a constant, the sky is falling approach to money, we will always believe that any second now, the sky truly will fall on us, crushing all of our hopes and dreams for the near and distant future.

Conversely, if we’re reckless and behave as though there will always be someone to pick up the pieces no matter how rash and impulsive we are with our own or other people’s resources, then we will one day wake up to find that the sky truly has fallen after all.

For this reason, it’s so very helpful to have a money mantra, which is neither doom and gloom nor based on the mythology of invincibility. It lives somewhere in between in that sweet spot of confident lux, of the soft life. Now if you have not yet heard the term soft life, please stay tuned, I’m still learning about it and there will be more posts in the future as this is one of my favorite new themes in life.

In the meantime, what I understand the soft life to be about is journeying towards a place of increased rest and many other kinds of wellness access and inclusion for historically marginalized people. A place where, we can be calm more often and be forced to fight less, where we can choose to flow over depletion from the constant pressures placed upon us by structural injustices.

In other words, because of my commitment to having a soft life and my commitment to building generational wealth in our communities, my money mantra is: Will this expenditure bring me and those I love more or less ease in life, present and future? Whenever the answer is yes, I click the spend button, simple as that. Whenever the answer is no, I choose to save instead.

What is your money Mantra?


Maha Rose, Oaxaca & Brooklyn