Ever feel a little bit broken? Here at Art of Repair, we believe that fixing is an art form, something beautiful, a way to heal. We start with our hearts and the body and mind. Then this work extends to our homes, our clothes, and our financial well-being.

Art of Repair


We are Sensitive People and we want to tell you about what we love. Our community of repair mystics can teach you how to darn a sweater, find your center, or connect with a practitioner with years of knowledge and experience to show you how.

At Art of Repair, we’re hyper-focused on helping our community members achieve their higher purpose.

Financial Therapy, Repair Workshops, Journal + Online Store.

Repair Workshops + Coming Soon!

Sashiko, the Japanese Art of Visible Mending, and indigo dyeing are incredible ways to revitalize your favorite items of clothing, whose colors are starting to fade. Old sneakers can take on new life with our incredible workshop on building new uppers onto existing soles and the practice of Reiki can help us to realign our energy fields as we seek balance in every day life.

Tangible Products + Coming Soon

Although we’re not really in the business of warehousing or shipping, just to make things simpler we do occasionally sell workshop kits. Some of our tangible item repair workshops require tangible toolkits, so you’ll also find workshop toolkits available for purchase in case you’d like to source them from us directly.

Items like our 2024 Dreams and Life Journal are great stand-alone items or can be used in tandem with our Dreamwork workshop. Our financial tracker also definitely comes in handy when creating your yearly and monthly budgets. While our posters can just provide small bits of inspiration for your desk at the office. New items coming soon!

Most of us have very complex relationships to money, a lot like our relationships to food. Blockages in this area in our lives can really prevent our personal growth. Nobody wants to starve themselves or eat too much, just like no one wants to struggle to afford the basics or the luxuries and no one wants to be excessive either. Still, often times we struggle to find that grateful and bountiful balance in between that is key to our living the soft life.


At TAOR, we work from a place of humility, while we live audaciously.

Business Group In A Meeting Room In The Office







Sustainability · Balance · Joy ·







Inventive · Inspired · Authentic ·


Notes from our Diary